Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Police

Today I finally got a chance to take some pictures of a group of Post-Soviet police I finished last weekend. I was a bit slowed down by vacation and a burned hand (not good). It took extra time to make these, but it was a "labor of love" so I enjoyed it thoroughly. The conversion involved lots of head swaps, green stuff pants, a green stuff jacket extension, sculpted shoulder boards and filed off breast pockets. Although you can't see it in all of the pictures where appropriate figures got painted shoulder boards, pants stripes and collar tabs. I didn't have too many pictures to go on, but I think they definitely look the part of Post-Soviet police and other officials (primarily in Moldova) taking civil unrest into their own hands. When you see a policeman sporting an RPG you know the situation is bad!

I'm not sure what's coming next, but I'm feeling a WWII itch coming on ... yeah!

RH Models URB14 with head swap; URBRPG with head swap; URBAK with head swap; URBRPK with head swap

RH Models URBAK with head swap; MULT20AK; EERKESTAK with green stuff jacket extension; URB14 with head swap

RH Models RUSG9* with head swap and green stuff pants; RUSG9* with head swap; RUSG10A with green stuff pants

RH Models EERKESTAK; MULT20AK; MULT*AK with head swap

RH Models MULT51 with head swap; MULT52 with head swap

Moldovan Police (1991-1992).

Entrance to Gaguazia, Moldova (December, 1991).

Moldovan policemen eating in Bendery, Moldova (February 4th, 1992).

Russian vice-president talking to servicemen in Bendery, Moldova (April 6th, 1992).

Soviet police uniform.