This last group was painted to represent US Marines in Fallujah in 2004. I didn't do any head swaps for once, but I did do a lot of green stuff sculpting to give them the look I wanted. I used the good stuff for knee pads (some up, some fallen down), groin protectors, hydration bags and some straps. I also added an AT4 to one of these figures. I went back and forth with the sculpting quite a bit as I really wanted to get the knee pads and straps thin so they'd match the cast figures well. I had planned on adding sunglasses to some figures, but it just didn't work with figures already wearing helmets. In the end I'm pleased with the results.
I tried to vary the colors I used as much as possible - personal equipment like googles and knee pads were an opportunity to add some variety. Some marines seem to have been issues coyote brown armor while others are pictured wearing armor in woodland camo. Initially, I was a bit scared to paint desert MARPAT camo, but it wasn't too bad once I got going.
Next up is a second batch of US Marines to finish this platoon. For the next group I'll have to sculpt some more accessories, like these have, and go with different skin tones and gloves.
RH Models US02COMA4; US02GREN; US02SAW1/US02SQ1; US02M21
RH Models US02GREN2; US02SQ3; US02COM; US02SAW1/US02SQ1
RH Models US02SQ3; US02SQ3; US02SQ1 with WEA43
RH Models US02COMA4; US02GREN2; US02SQ3
There are a lot of great pictures out there. Here are a few I used.