Saturday, April 29, 2017

Teenage Fighters

I don't normally put up works in progress here, but I do enjoy seeing them on other people's blogs and Facebook sites so here's such a post. Normally, I guess I just like how paint hides all the green bits. During the past two nights I converted Rolf's PLO14 (2 KIDS/YOUNG LIONS WITH RPK'S - BAREHEADED) to what I think of as EERKIDS (2 KIDS/TEENS MIX OF HEADGEAR & WEAPONS). It takes me a while to sculpt anything, but it sure is fun. I'm pleased with how these came out. They are my first try at a weapons swap too. Leaving the cast rifle butts in place and just swapping out the front end of the weapons worked rather well, although getting them just the right angle took a while and until I sculpted the hands they were really fragile. I also swapped the heads for two that fit my genre more, sculpted new left hands, sleeves, a jacket extension and a rifle butt. I'm a bit tempted to try to make a similar figure with an RPG7, but I don't want to over do it. ;)

RH Models PLO14 with head/weapon swap; PLO14

RH Models PLO14 with head/weapon swap; PLO14

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